“I find it so difficult to form intimate connections with people.” 

“It is terrifying to get close to people, I would rather be alone and avoid disappointment.”

“No matter how much my partner tells me they care about me I cannot fully believe them.”

If you find it difficult to form connections with people and do not know how to explain that fear or anxiety, know that you are not broken. Your fear might stem from a part of your early development, an experience outside your control.

Attachment is formed early on in human development. Secure attachments form when a person’s needs are met and trust is established. Insecure attachments can show up if a person’s needs are not met during early development. It is possible to take control of your present and create meaningful connections with people. At Momentum, we believe that you deserve to form positive relationships, and we aim to help you on this healing journey.


We are here to help if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Constant need for reassurance 

  • Difficulty with physical or emotional closeness or boundaries

  • React strongly to criticism

  • Unexplained withdrawal, fear, sadness or irritability

  • Watching others closely but not engaging in social interaction 


To see if one of our clinicians is a good fit, you can email, call/text us, or fill out this form to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.