What does counseling with Momentum look like?

Once you’ve attended your first session, you may continue to see your clinician on a regular basis. The timeline moving forward varies—some people benefit from a few sessions, while others benefit from continuous counseling. This process follows a few common stages.


Common Stages in the Counseling Process:

Building a Relationship: Trust is the cornerstone of the therapeutic process, but it takes time to build. Your first few sessions will allow you to learn more about your clinician and their process. Throughout this stage, you can ask questions and develop a comfortable rapport. This is also your clinician’s opportunity to learn more about you and your interests.

Identifying Areas to Address: You may already know the issues you wish to address in therapy. Some people need help managing diagnosed mental health conditions, while others want to improve a specific area of their lives. No matter where you fall, your clinician will help you identify the challenges you wish to overcome.

Goal-setting: Once you pinpoint areas for growth, you and your counselor will develop a plan to address them. Treatment plans cover the techniques, rationales, and goals used to guide you through therapy. Setting goals offers a metric to measure progress as you move forward.

Processing New Skills: With a treatment plan in place, you'll work on enacting the steps towards change, reframing thought processes, and assessing your progress. This is arguably the longest part of the process, and sometimes the most challenging. Don't fret, your clinician will guide you every step of the way, offering as much support as possible.

Reflection and Maintenance: Improvement can manifest in any number of ways.  It involves continuous reflection and maintenance of the skills gained. In general, therapy can span a few months to several years, depending on individual needs.


Whatever your needs, Momentum is here to help. Ready to begin? Learn how to make an appointment here.