I’ve scheduled my first appointment. What next?

The simple answer: show up. 

The long answer: there is no one way to attend therapy. Some may choose our Telehealth options and attend sessions from home. Others may prefer sessions in-person. This experience looks different for everyone, but if you’re nervous or want more guidance, we have a few tips and tricks.

  • Wear what makes you feel the most comfortable. Formal attire is not required. You are welcome to wear a specific outfit, or attend sessions in whatever you happened to put on that morning. It is up to you!

  • There is no requirement for what to bring to your first session. That said, you may bring an item that provides comfort. These can include:

    • Stuffed animals

    • Worry stones

    • Blankets

    • Fidget toys

    • Journals

  • 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time is a good rule of thumb, that way you have time to find your clinician’s office or Telehealth link. Arriving early can also help you transition from the hustle and bustle of daily life into a state of calm.

  • Every session looks different depending on the person. Remember, you only need to share what you feel comfortable with. Typically, first sessions establish:

    • Your background.

      • This gives your clinician the chance to discover who you are, your interests, and any background information you deem relevant to your journey.

    • Your symptoms.

      • These are the behaviors and/or challenges you are looking to address through therapy. 

    • What brought you to therapy.

      • The answer to this question looks different for everyone. Be as open and honest as you feel comfortable.

    • Goals you want to accomplish.

      • Maybe you know precisely what you want to get out of counseling. Maybe you don't, but you want to start somewhere. Sometimes, the most important step is the next one.

  • Just let your clinician know. Life happens, and we understand that, so long as you let your clinician know ahead of time.

  • At the end of your first session, you and your clinician will discuss your schedules moving forward.

  • Don’t worry! We have a team of clinicians with varying experiences and backgrounds. Contact us and we can connect you with someone else. 


With your first session completed, you’ve taken an important step towards healing. If you're curious about the process moving forward, we have a few insights into your counseling journey.


Not sure if you are covered by insurance? Check the list of insurances we accept here.