“I feel like it is impossible to balance my two worlds, my personal life and my life in the sky.”

“I feel like I can’t catch up on sleep, I’m always exhausted.”

“I want help, but I am scared that my first class medical will be at risk.”

“I worry about my loved one when they are on a work trip.” 

As an aviation professional, the pressure to keep up with ever changing schedules, time zones, and industry advancements can feel like too much to handle. Here at Momentum, we recognize that a career in aviation can be incredibly rewarding, and at times mentally challenging. We are committed to providing mental health care that recognizes your unique needs as an aviation professional. 

We understand that as a commercial pilot, your first class medical is a key component to your job security. Therefore, we are familiar with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Item.47 Psychiatric Conditions, and how diagnosis can affect your career. Our hope is to provide you with care that is holistic and confidential, while also protecting your career. In addition to working with pilots, we also provide specialized care to other aviation professionals such as flight attendants, ground crew, and family of aviation professionals. 


Together we can work with you and your family on:

  • Becoming more present

  • Developing an intentional schedule

  • Improving your sleep

  • Balancing personal and professional life

  • Strengthening relationships and communication

  • Decreasing burnout

  • Assisting in crisis care 


To see if one of our clinicians is a good fit, you can email, call/text us, or fill out this form to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.