“My past won’t let go.”

“I don’t know how to reckon with my experiences.”

“I feel disconnected from the world around me.”

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) emerges in individuals who experience repetitive and long-lasting trauma. In some instances, it may be difficult to untangle this trauma from identity. With CPTSD, the individual's brain chemistry is redefined from the traumatic events to the point where their brain cannot conceptualize anything as normal outside of their understanding and belief of the traumatic events they experienced. We want to take time to highlight just how real trauma can be, and how counseling can aid individuals in overcoming their trauma.


Some symptoms you may experience if you have CPTSD include:

  • Avoiding the memories, thoughts, feelings, place, people, conversations, activities, objects and/or situations that are associated with the traumatic event(s).

  • Involuntarily, reexperiencing the traumatic event(s)

  • Negative cognitions and mood associated with the traumatic event(s).

  • Persistent negative beliefs about oneself from the traumatic event(s).

  • Persistent negative emotional state since the traumatic event(s).

  • Significant decrease of interest or participation in activities since the traumatic event(s).


To see if one of our clinicians is a good fit, you can email, call/text us, or fill out this form to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.