“Adjusting to civilian life and work is way harder than I thought it would be.”

  “When my partner comes home after deployment it takes a long time to feel ‘normal’.”

 “Moving frequently takes a big toll on our family.”

To be “mission ready” and react in the ways that enable success in the military, your brain learns to be hyper-vigilant. However, the things that make you successful in your career can be the same things that make your civilian life challenging. Especially if you’ve been in combat, your body may have learned to react in ways that kept you alive there—but might make interactions with friends and family challenging.

Families of veterans have their unique challenges. Having a spouse or parent deploy means holding the fort alone at home, dealing with anxiety about the potential safety of a partner, and having to navigate the re-entry of the service person when they return, which is often the hardest part of a deployment. 

Momentum has clinicians who are veterans, who are spouses of veterans, and clinicians who have speciality training working with veterans. While we may not understand everything about your experience, we use excellent evidence-based research to help veterans and their families transition to civilian life and deal with PTSD.

“No one desires peace as much as the soldier, for he must pay the greatest penalty in war.” -General Douglas MacArthur, 1945


We would love to help. Together we can work to overcome:

  • Adjustment issues

  • Anxiety

  • Couples counseling

  • Culture shock

  • Deployment/re-entry issues

  • Depression

  • Grief work

  • Identity

  • Panic attacks

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Self-concept work

  • Transition


To see if one of our clinicians is a good fit, you can email, call/text us, or fill out this form to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.