“I lost a pet and it feels like a family member is gone.”

“Why does losing a pet hurt so much?”

“I feel so lost without my fur baby.”

Losing a pet is something every pet owner experiences. It’s hard to bring a furry companion into your life knowing it will end. The loss of our chosen family member can sometimes be harder than losing a human person. Our pets are our joy, friendship, company, and family. They give us unconditional love, and we want them to live forever. 

Whether you lost your best buddy due to old age or a sudden illness, we are here for you. One of our counselors would love to talk about your pet with you, hold space for this time in your life, and help you survive this loss. Our pets can become the best part of our families, and losing a beloved pet is devastating. But we can work together to remember them and give you tools for coping and strength. 


Losing a pet can manifest physical and emotional symptoms like:

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Tightness in the chest

  • Hollow pit in the stomach

  • Physical aches and pains

  • Depression

  • Guilt

  • Anger

  • Behavioral changes such as eating more/less, sleep disruption, sluggishness.


To see if one of our clinicians is a good fit, you can email, call/text us, or fill out this form to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.